Volunteer - Lend a Hand

Image of Heart2Heart Volunteer

Heart 2 Heart volunteers believe the best way to be obedient to God, help others and share your Christian faith is by volunteering your time to help those in need and weaker among us.  We invite Christians from all denominations and non-denominational churches to join us. Never underestimate the difference you can make in a person’s life, regardless of the amount of time you give to the service of others. Your gifts and talents are a valuable tool that God can use to change a life.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteers to visit the sick, the disabled, and the elderly in hospitals, nursing homes and in their private homes.
  • Volunteers to escort patients to doctor appointments, events, etc. We transport patients who cannot get out of their wheelchairs.
  • Volunteers who will help out at special events, including volunteers coordinators and event planners.
  • Family volunteering – a great way for your family to do special and meaningful work together.
  • Volunteers to coordinate, help and plan fundraising.
  • Volunteers with cats and dogs that would like to join Doggies and Kitties for Christ. The pets must pass our certification test. Learn More…
  • Volunteers for the Kids for Christ program. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult volunteer. Learn More…
  • Volunteers for Teens for Christ.  Ages 13 and Over.  Learn More…
  • Volunteers to do advocacy work on the behalf of the sick, the disabled, and the elderly.
  • Volunteers who will shop for patients’ needs and for events paid for by Heart 2 Heart Volunteers Inc.
  • Volunteers with good computer skills to help younger patients with their computers.
  • Volunteers for secretarial and clerical work.

How to Become a Volunteer

Heart 2 Heart knows that every single life holds value and every volunteer who helps others is valued.  To become a Heart 2 Heart volunteer the following qualifications are needed:

  • Volunteers must have a desire to serve God and others.
  • Volunteers must have empathy towards those sick physically and sometimes sick psychologically.
  • Volunteers must abide by all policies and procedures established by the organization and by the hospitals and nursing homes they are visiting.
  • Volunteers must provide Heart 2 Heart Volunteers Inc with requested reports of service and other records.
  • Volunteers must have a sincere respect for people of different faith traditions.
  • Volunteers must sign a statement of faith that acknowledges that you are a Christian and that you know this is a Christian organization.
  • Volunteers must recognize, as a Heart 2 Heart volunteer, you may not discriminate against anyone you visit by reason of age, disability, race, color, ethnicity, gender, creed, national origin, socio-economic status or religion.
  • Volunteers must go through the required training and testing.
Contact us today to get started volunteering.